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Bavarian Alps 2014

The hills are alive with the sound of music. Yes they are. What a magnificent place. Munich is a fascinating city, the city of Hitler actually in the early 30’s. Our group toured by bus to Salzburg where we had the Sound of Music tour and then toured Mozart’s home and later attended a Mozart concert.  We spent several nights in Berchtesgaden, truly Hitler’s home turf and took a bus to the top of the Eagles Nest to see his remote hideaway. Then it was a boat ride on Lake Königssee, surrounded by the southern alps mirrored in the water. One afternoon we were hiking trails in a mountainous area and it started to rain and so we found a small inn where they served beer the food of the area. Our guide played the accordion, wonderful German songs and others, while his dog and other dogs slept under the tables. It was a magical afternoon. We visited castles including the iconic Neuschwanstein Castle and ornately adorned churches along the way. We hiked a beautiful gorge with a rushing river running through. We took a tram to the top of Germany, Zugspitze the highest mountain in Germany where we could see the alps all around us from France to Italy. It was cold and windy and there was still a measurable amount of snow.